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Kommandeur der Ersatztruppen 1 im Wehrkreis I
Commander Replacement Troops Wehrkreis I/1
Criteria [1]

Unit Notes

# Note
1 I do not have any evidence so far for the existence of this unit. I am deducing its existence from the examples of WK III and WK VIII, among others, regarding the origin of the divisions of the 7th Wave and the Replacement Divisions, which were created from Reserve Commander staff and units of the Ersatzheer
Number of Records Returned: 1
Number of Pages Returned : 1


Page Description
Home Unit Definition
Appointments Commanders and Staff Officers assigned to the Unit
History Important Dates and Events in the History of the Unit
Notes Miscellaneous Notes for Unit
Order of Battle Order of Battle for this Unit
Subordinates Units subordinated to or attached to the Unit
Superiors Units to which this Unit was subordinated or attached